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Week of 9/16/24

Morning Minute 9/17/24

“Despise, Denigrate, Demonize, Destroy, & Deny!”

These 5 “D’s” have been the playbook of tyrants forever.

First they identify a person, group, movement, or organization as a threat to their power, wealth, or influence. They despise that person or group, because they perceive them to be an Existential Threat.” In order to gain support for themselves from the public, they actively denigrate their opponent’s ideas, their leader, and his supporters.

Having gained public support for themselves, they demonize the ideas, the messages, the efforts, and finally the person or people they identify as “the enemy.” They destroy the person, their family, their business, their organization, and those who support them. Finally, with their enemy destroyed, they deny any part in this destruction.

In 1787, a group of patriots met to create a government where individual citizens could take control of their own lives, by restricting the power of government. They understood that tyrants would never allow citizens to control their own destiny. Tyrants preserved their power, wealth, and influence, by utilizing an oppressive government. Thus, these patriots designed a government with 3 separate branches. Each branch had the ability to restrict the tyranny of the other branches. This power sharing structure, and the submission of our leaders to regular elections, provides citizens the means to prevent the tyranny which so many other countries have suffered through.

John Adams wrote: “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other”…Morality and virtue are the foundation of our republic and necessary for a society to be free.” Let’s compare these statements, with the actions of a group in the United States today.

The leaders of this group have identified a person, a group, a movement, and an organization as a threat. They despise them as an “Existential threat to our Democracy! By “Democracy,” they mean a threat to their power, their wealth, and their influence. They denigrate these people, who only want the freedoms enshrined in our Constitution to create opportunities for themselves and others. These leaders call their enemies “deplorable, ignorant, and bitter!”

They demonize their leader, comparing him to Hitler. They claim that this leader will never leave office, that he will destroy our government, and cancel future elections to become a Dictator for life.” They spew demonstrable lies about him as they seek to destroy his family, his reputation, and his businesses. Then, when unstable individuals, having been marinated in their hateful and despicable rhetoric, attempt to assassinate this leader, the people who created this situation, deny any responsibility for themselves.

It is time for all free citizens to reject the people who despise, denigrate, demonize, and destroy those whom they oppose, as they deny responsibility for their actions. We cannot close our borders, defend our nation, stop the crime we are experiencing, and help our citizens prosper, by keeping these same people in power. There is only one way forward for Americans. Reject their ideas, their party, and the destruction they have created, by voting all democrats out of office, now and in the future.   

“Despise, Denigrate, Demonize, Destroy, & Deny!”

That is today’s Morning Minute!