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Week of 9/26/22

(9/26/22) Morning Minute:

“What are you afraid of?”

You have been asked that question many times in your life. Others have asked you that question. However, how many times have you asked yourself that question?

Most fears are a fear of “losing.” Losing creates circumstances that create consequences. Consequences are created by your reactions and decisions. Let’s take a closer look.

The fear of making a mistake is the most common fear. Do you fear making the decision or the consequences? There are personal consequences such as losing your relationship to a loved one, friend, or associate. You may fear losing a game, or your job, or your reputation, or your status. You may fear losing an opportunity or a lot of money. Plus, your decision may negatively affect others.

You may fear the consequences of disease or illness. Or, you may fear the effects of an accident or catastrophe.  You may fear death or pain. You may fear personal injury. Fear may seize you about certain insects, animals, or images. Or, you may fear what can happen in the dark.

Most fear is a caused by focusing on what you will lose. Conversely, most fear can be overcome by focusing on what you and/or others stand to gain. Almost always, opportunity comes to us disguised as a problem. We can fear the problem, allowing it to control us. Or, we can accept what we cannot change, and work toward a solution. The solutions help us grow in knowledge and skill. A catastrophe moves us to plan on how to prevent it from reoccurring or mitigating its effects in the future. A death or illness is a time to reflect on how short life is and how you must make a difference in the lives of others. A loss of a job, wealth, or status requires that we search for a more beneficial direction in our life.  

Understand, that fear of loss is usually caused by decisions, circumstances, or unforeseen events. By changing our focus, decisions, and actions to make the best of any consequences, we change our focus from “loss” to what we can gain by producing more positive outcomes. Concentrating on those positives will change your fear of loss into better results for yourself and others.

Now, ask yourself: “What are you afraid of?”  

And that is today’s Morning Minute.

Get access to all the Morning Minutes at

Larry Bonorato is author of WORK WITH ME NOT FOR ME, your no nonsense guide to developing exceptional leadership skills, team-building, and much more. This book is available as an audiobook, e-book, paperback, or hard cover. 

Morning Minute 9/28/22

(9/28/22) Morning Minute:

“Break it down into small pieces.”

“Where have I heard that before? Is this about some process?”

Please allow me to explain.

In grammar school we were taught how to form a proper sentence. We learned how to structure and write a paragraph, with one thought, a beginning and an end. On the playground, we learned how to win by assigning each player a role and how each contributed to scoring and winning.

During my high school years, we were taught composition, how to take a main theme, look at it from several different points of view, and write our theme papers. In band we learned strict team work. There were the brass, percussion, reed, and wind sections. Each section had various instruments. Each instrument group has 1–4 parts. In a band of 150 players, each player had their part in order to produce the sound that was required to create a great performance. On the debate team, we were required to present either for or against a certain theme. To win, each team member had to present a certain part of the argument.

In college, we were challenged to research subjects looking at broad areas made up of specific factors. This was true in every subject.  After doing the research, we were tasked with providing conclusions, and/or recommendations at the end. This was true in economics, management, advanced math, chemistry, history, and literature.

In various roles in the business world, as well as both service and occupational organizations, it was necessary to produce proformas, business plans, revenue estimates, and inventory reports. Whether leading a group of restaurants or an auto dealership with multiple franchises, it occurred to me I had been trained from early in life how breaking down large issues into “small pieces” creates a format for success.

As you instruct your children or grandchildren, your students or team members, the seasoned pros or the “green pea” new hires, family members or volunteers, remember to share with them how to “break it down into small pieces” so they will grasp the who, what, when, where, why, and how that leads to success.

And, that is today’s Morning Minute.

Get access to all the Morning Minutes at

Larry Bonorato is author of WORK WITH ME NOT FOR ME, your “no nonsense” guide to developing exceptional leadership skills, team-building, and much more. This book is available in audiobook, e-book, paperback, and hard cover.

Morning Minute 9/30/2022

(9/30/22) Morning Minute:

“The devil is in the details.”

That quote from years ago kept flashing through my mind this week. It was with me when my alarm went off each morning until finally falling asleep at night.

Then, while viewing a press conference given by the Florida Governor concerning Hurricane Ian, the truth in that quote flashed again like bright neon light. In the undertaking required to prepare his state for the most massive natural disaster in Florida history, the Governor understood that literally thousands of details must be handled. No one person could possibly do it all. These details required a team of competent professionals managing the many components of this impending disaster. And, he was the person assigned to coordinate those efforts.

Most of us juggle work, family, schools, meals, shopping, cleaning, money, and the many details of everyday life. Handling those details can be overwhelming at times. Imagine the awesome responsibilities required to meet the challenge of saving lives and property, plus, recovering from a massive natural disaster that you are powerless to delay or avoid. Every mistake could cost hundreds of lives.

This required coordinating the efforts of numerous government agencies and businesses, setting in place the timelines and processes for reducing loss of life and property, while moving people to safer locations. After the storm, rescues would be required, damage estimates made, services restored, and infrastructure repaired. And, while all this is occurring, he must communicate effectively with Floridians plus all the people involved in these details before, during, and after the storm.    

Yes, the devil is in the details…every single detail for every aspect of life; both ours and the people we are responsible for. The governor of Florida set a sterling example of how organizing a team of competent people and coordinating their efforts can lead to achieving difficult goals even in the worst of circumstances.

I thank God that He provided us with a leader of sterling character and tremendous ability, to lead these safety, rescue, and recovery details during this natural disaster. May God continue to be with Ron and the citizens of Florida as they put their lives and their state back together.  

And that is today’s morning minute.

Get access to all the Morning Minutes at

Larry Bonorato is a coach, speaker, and author of WORK WITH ME NOT FOR ME, your “no nonsense” guide to developing exceptional leadership skills, team-building, and much more. This book is available on Amazon in audiobook, e-book, paperback, and hard cover.