(8/22/22) Morning
You made a huge mistake. It may or may not have been intentional. But it was a bad mistake that affected your team negatively. Someone, or a group of people, had a loss because of YOU. This loss could be physical, or monetary, or mental, or spiritual. This loss may have been a combination of several of those outcomes. The team may even be unaware of who and/or what caused this catastrophe. However, YOU know it was your fault. What do YOU do?
There may be several options for you. It is possible for others to believe that a person from another team or a different department caused this. Blame may be assigned to the coach or to your boss or another team member. People may believe that a client did something that was to blame. Or, they may believe that it was just a bad set of circumstances that occurred at the same time causing this hurt. Any of these may deflect the blame away from you and help you save face. And then, no one may ever know it WAS your fault. You can move on now and pretend that you never caused this…right?
Living with a lie is like ingesting poison. It can affect you immediately or eat at you slowly. You will always wonder when and if someone will find out. The poison is still in you and the damage continues. And, if you are discovered it can destroy your reputation, your team, your occupation, and/or your family as well.
Instead, you must own the mistake, let the appropriate people know, and take whatever consequences come your way. You may face unpleasant results in the short run, but your honesty and your character will remain intact. Most people will forgive mistakes…even bad ones…if you are honest. However, you will find it hard to forgive yourself if you do not face your mistake and own it.
Larry Bonorato is the author of WORK WITH ME NOT FOR ME which is available on AMAZON.(8/24/22) Morning Minute:
The phone screeched with a piercing, unavoidable ring!
This was not part of today’s plan. I had 2 appointments scheduled for this morning and did not need this interruption.
As I answered the call, Bob introduced himself. One of my clients referred him to me. His son had turned 16 and he wanted a used car. Bob was out of town, returning on that weekend. He wanted to send in his son to drive some vehicles. We set up a time for his son to see me after school that day. During the visit his son selected a vehicle that was within the stated budget. Bob was to call me tomorrow so we go work out the details.
On the following day, Bob called asking for the details. I described the car in glowing terms, one owner trade-in, new tires, low mileage, and ice-cold air conditioning. There was a short pause. Bob shared that he would not consider doing business with me. His son told him that the vehicle had no AC…I had forgotten that as I was describing the car to his Dad. I apologized for my mistake, however, Bob stated that since I had misrepresented the car our discussion was over…and he hung up.
I was very down on myself for such an unnecessary and stupid mistake. After sharing this incident with my “Boss,” I waited for what surely would be negative consequences. He said that it was a dumb and avoidable mistake. He shared with me that it took integrity to admit my error. He admonished me to learn from this and never repeat it. Sage advice from a good leader…that I took to heart. This was in March, 1981.
We all make mistakes. Even unnecessary and stupid ones. If we want to live with integrity your admit the mistake, own it, and learn from it. You have a choice. Deny the mistake, hide from it, hoping it will go away. Or, realize that, as humans, we will screw up many times. Some of life’s best lessons are learned from our mistakes.
And, that is today’s Morning Minute from Larry Bonorato, author of WORK WITH ME NOT FOR ME available on Amazon.
Visit the website at LarryonLearning.com.
(8/26/22) Morning Minute:
The situation looked impossible.
The young supervisor had been assigned to the Alabama Gulf Coast to turn around the 6 worst restaurants in the company. Previously he had assisted the Charlotte, NC territory to grow from 6 to 13 restaurants in 2 1/2 years. Of the 18 managers in the Alabama stores only 2 were semi-competent. He was working 18-20 hour days accomplishing only marginal improvement. He needed an out-of-the-box solution...FAST!
The supervisor contacted the Corporate Training Director. That department had 3 teams that were used to train new hires in new restaurants. He requested that one team be redirected to South Alabama for 2 weeks. This 2-person training team would be tasked with training the managers from each restaurant. This was to be done off-site so there would be no interruptions or distractions. The supervisor would manage their stores by himself for the 2 days that the managers were in training. During these 2 weeks each management team received 2 solid days of much needed, very intense, comprehensive training in restaurant operations.
In the next few months after these special classes were held, the performance of the managers and their 6 restaurants improved dramatically. This set the stage for a massive expansion of the territory. Over the next 2 years the company added 5 new restaurants in Alabama and 6 new restaurants in Florida.
This rapid growth would have been impossible without a major course correction. The supervisor needed to identify the root problem…untrained leaders in the stores. Then he had to admit he needed help and request assistance. With help, he had to formulate and execute an effective management training plan. Then it was the responsibility of the supervisor to follow up, making sure that what was taught was being done.
Have you been stumped by a problem with your team? Clearly identify the problem and what issues caused the problem. Then list all the alternative solutions. (Don’t be afraid or too proud to ask for help). Decide which solution is best and execute your plan. Worrying aimlessly, not making a decision, only makes the problem worse. When you are called on to lead…then lead.
And, that is today’s Morning Minute from Larry Bonorato, author of WORK WITH ME NOT FOR MEavailable on Amazon.
Visit the website at LarryonLearning.com.