week of 7/15/24

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Morning Minute 7/16/24

“Hidden In Plain Sight!”

We all want explanations for why events happen.

Sometimes those explanations are not only simple. They are hidden in plain sight!

Why has the cost of fuel, groceries, autos, rent, insurance, homes, and so much more risen from 50%-70% since 2020. Interest rates on loans, mortgages, and credit cards have risen sharply as our government spends $2 trillion more each year than they collect in taxes. That money is used to pay for massive spending on programs that enrich their donors. Their stated goal is to rid the country of all fossil fuels, without building more nuclear plants, Their goal is have citizens rely on electricity from wind and solar, delivered on an electric grid that is already stretched to the breaking point. Instead of looking at the results of their policies, they claim corporate greed is the reason for these failures. The real answer is hidden in plain sight!   

Why are shootings, murders, rapes, robberies, homelessness, and gang violence making life in our cities dangerous? Politicians cut police budgets to pay for DEI mandates. Local prosecutors refuse to charge repeat offenders, while condoning gangs who rob stores terrorizing both owners and shoppers. These politicians cannot understand why these crimes are happening. The real answer is hidden in plain sight!  

Why are our global adversaries emboldened to threaten our shipping and attack our military, as they align against us? Our cowardly abandonment of our people, our allies, and our base in Afghanistan, including billions in military equipment, gave our enemies the green light to attack Ukraine, Israel, and probably Taiwan. Politicians refuse to admit why this is happening.  But the answer is hidden in plain sight!  

Why is our country being overrun and inundated by 12-15 million illegals, including 40K-50K from Communist China? Our current government, in violation of US law, allows this rampant illegal invasion. These politicians cannot understand why citizens despise the homelessness, crime, drugs, and drain on local resources caused by their non-enforcement at our border. The answer to this crisis, is hidden in plain sight!

Why did someone attempt to kill the leading US presidential candidate? Since 2015, that candidate and former president has been falsely accused by the opposition party, the corporate news media, university faculties and professors, multinational corporations, and social media companies of being in bed with Communists, being a fascist, a rapist, a tax cheat, a serial liar, and much more. They claim that if he wins again, he will not allow another election, making himself President for life. They proclaim that he must be prevented from ever becoming president again by any means necessary. Then, they cannot understand why someone, filled with the hate and the lies they themselves have spread for years, would want to kill him. The real answer is hidden in plain sight!

We need a national revival, asking God for His forgiveness. And, for His intervention to put our country back on a positive course. Then, we need to remove ALL those in power, from either party, who are responsible for creating these disastrous results.  

Remember, the best solutions to complicated problems are usually…

“Hidden In Plain Sight!”

That is today’s Morning Minute.

Morning Minute 7.19.24 Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things!

Morning Minute 7/19/24

“Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things!”

William Pekrul, a 98 year old WWII veteran, recently spoke in Milwaukee.

Sgt. Pekrul was in the 2nd wave of soldiers who stormed the beaches at Normandy in 1944. His life mirrors the lives of millions of Americans over the last 248 years. His story inspired me to reflect on what it really means to be an American.

Alvin York was a farmer in the Tennessee mountains. Drafted into the army in WWI, he earned the Congressional Medal of Honor for his bravery. He then returned to his farm.

Anne Sullivan, in Alabama, was hired to teach a young girl who was deaf and blind from a childhood illness. Ann inspired Helen Keller, who, in spite of her disabilities, became a world-renowned author, teacher, advocate, and speaker.  

George Washington Carver, born into slavery, became an agricultural scientist. His work created thousands of uses for products made from peanuts and sweet potatoes.

Clara Barton, a nurse during the American Civil War, ministered to wounded soldiers. After the war, she helped thousands of soldiers reconnect with their families. Using what she learned, she created the American Red Cross.

Clarence Thomas was born into grinding poverty, growing up with no father. He rose from humble beginnings, earned his legal degree, worked for a US Senator, headed the U.S. Civil Rights Commission, and is now a Supreme CourtJustice.

Zig Ziglar, the tenth of 12 children, learned how to sell, and created a sales system that many people use today. As an author and motivational speaker, he has helped thousands of Americans improve their lives by improving their skills.

Steve Jobs, an adopted child in California, dropped out of college to work as a video game designer. He was a visionary in the computing business, working with his partner to develop the Apple computer. His success created thousands of electronic devices.   

What creates the outcomes for so many successful Americans? 1st: Americans clearly see things as they “really are.” 2nd: Americans envision things as they “can be.” 3rd: Americans have the “freedom” to try and fail many times, before they succeed.  

As Americans, we are limited only by our effort or our lack of knowledge. By pushing ourselves and each other forward, we improve our knowledge, our skills, and our lives. We learn from those who came before us and from each other. And our drive to be more, do more, and earn more creates innovative products, services, and systems.  

Americans love winners, and cannot tolerate losers. We are driven to succeed no matter how many times we fail. The great inventor, Thomas Edison, once said that he learned 1000 ways that did not work, before discovering a way to create the electric light bulb. It is that spirit of drive to improve, and to innovate, that has created the lifestyles that we enjoy today.

In order to continue our American success story, we must continue to be…

“Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things!”

That is today’s Morning Minute.