Week of 6/3/24

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Morning Minute 6/04/24

“How Will You Attract, Hire, & Onboard Quality People?”

Before his interview, Steve did not appear to be a good salesperson candidate.

He had zero sales experience. Arriving for his interview, everything he owned was in his tiny Chrysler Neon. He had worked as a counselor for a non-profithelping to reform troubled youth on a farm. However, using the questions below, I found him to possess an internal drive for success, plus a positive desire to help others. After training, Steve became an excellent salesperson. And, several years later, an excellent manager.

What follows are the interview questions that helped me see Steve’s potential? First, here are the ground rules for successful interviews. Applicants must do 80-90% of the talking. Ask open-ended questions, allowing them time to explain their answers. If you need more information, use bridge questions such as: “In addition to (whatever they shared) what else concerned you?” Take notes or record the interview.

1st: “Share the reasons you are leaving, or have left you current or previous job?”

2nd: “Please describe your relationship with your co-workers? With your boss? How do you feel about them?”

3rd: Describe a normal day at your current, or former job? Start from the time you arrive until the time you leave. How could your day be better, more productive?”

4th: “Describe the biggest triumph/win you have had in your life thus far. How did that make you feel? How about the biggest win you have had at work? How do you feel about that?”

5th: “Describe the best day you ever had at work. What was the outcome for you?”

6th: “What was the biggest mistake you ever made at work? Describe what happened? What was the outcome of that mistake? What could you have done differently?”

7th: “What training do you need to progress in your career? How will that help you?”

8th: “What do expect from a manager or boss? Why do you feel that way?”     

Remember to have applicants do most of the talking. After your questions, ask if they have any questions for you. Their questions may share more than their answers.

After hiring an applicant, make their onboarding memorable! Send a welcome card and some flowers to their home address. Have their coworkers send them an encouraging email/text. Take a picture of their work area. Text that to them with a note saying we are excited for your arrival. By staying in touch, they will feel both welcomed and wanted.

Their first day should be memorable! Set up a facility tour and introduce them to their co-workers. Take their picture at their new work station. Post it on social media. If training is required, get them started soon after their orientation is completed. Check on them frequently during their first week. Show your interest in their progress.

Successful organizations have great processes for attracting, hiring, and onboarding new team members.

“What Will You Do Differently…to Attract, Hire, & Onboard Quality People?”

That is today’s Morning Minute.