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Week of 6/17/24

Morning Minute 6/18/24

“It’s the Relationship, Not Just a Sale!”

Louise sells women’s shoes in a mall department store; hundreds of pairs each week.

Her clients will only buy from her. Because she has a relationship with her clients, she rarely needs to handle walk-in customers. She keeps records of who bought what. Plus, she uses her email list to stay in touch with her clients letting them know about new styles and upcoming sales events. For her Special Guests she calls them every 3 months to inquire about their families. Louise loves her clients. They love her back.

Phil sold cars at a dealership in Florida; averaging 60 vehicles per month. He was so successful that he hired his daughter to handle the paperwork. Phil kept records of who he sold, what they bought, what cars were in the household, and when they anticipated replacing them. He also knew about their children and when they would start driving. Because he had a relationship with each family, all his business came from those families. Phil loved his clients. They loved him back.

Tracie sells houses. She is a top agent for a large real estate firm; selling dozens of homes each year. Because of her relationship with her clients, she knows when their needs change; when they need more room, when they need to downsize, when they may be relocating out of town, and when they have a family member who needs a home. She keeps accurate records of these clients, staying in touch with them with emails, direct mail, and via phone. Tracie loves her clients. They love her back.

Here is the secret. The first sale you make should be your hardest sale.” You have no relationship with the buyer until you sell them. Unfortunately, that is the last sale they make because they do not create a relationship with the buyer. Great salespeople invest the time and energy into getting to know their clients, staying in touch with them, and being available to answer questions and assist with problems. Because of their relationship with their clients, the clients always think of them first when they need something. Great salespeople love their clients.  Their clients love them back.

In addition to having terrific relationships with their clients, great salespeople have the following traits: 1) Truthfulness: They are honest with clients, taking great pains never to mislead them. 2) Accountability: They feel and display a responsibility to always be mindful of their client’s best interests. 3) Support: They support their clients by staying in contact with them; assisting with any issues; and answering their questions. 4) Trustworthiness: Because truth comes before trust, they always present options, so the client can choose which option is best for them. 5) Engagement: By staying in touch and available to their clients, getting to know them and their families, they create great relationships.

So, you can be a salesperson, making one sale at a time to different customers. Or, you can be a great salesperson by assisting customers with empathy as you provide great service. Then, you turn that customer into a long term client by establishing a personal relationship with them, knowing about their family, their work, and their interests. Remember, make a friend…then make a sale!

So, which approach will you take as a professional salesperson? And remember…

“It’s The Relationship, Not just a Sale!”

That is today’s Morning Minute!

Morning Minute 6.21.24 Celebrating a Savannah Mid-Sumer's Night!

Morning Minute 6/21/24

“Celebrating a Savannah Mid-Summer’s Night!”

On Wednesday, Judy and I, accompanied by two of our best friends, embarked on a mid-week excursion to celebrate Summer in Savannah.

After an enjoyable early dinner at a southside Italian restaurant, we cruised into downtown to enjoy a show at the Historic Savannah Theater, just off of Chippewa Square, on Bull Street. This venue first opened in 1818, and has been serving both locals and visitors for hundreds of years. Many well-known playwrights and actors have performed here including W.C. Fields, Lillian Russell, Henry Irving, Sarah Bernhardt, and many more. Johnny Mercer, the greatest songwriter of all time, was born here. And, many of his songs about his hometown have been showcased here. Even the baseball great Ty Cobbperformed here in 1911.

Last night’s show was a truly enjoyable, fantastic local production of GREASE,” based on the movie of the same name. Olivia Newton-John and John Travolta headlined that movie in 1978.

The energy and activity outside the theater was enormous, with taxis, tour buses, and carpools dropping off patrons ready to enjoy a great show. We picked up our tickets, and navigated our way up to the balcony directly overlooking the stage.

Prior to the start of the show, pictures of all of the actors, most of whom were native Savannahians, were showcased on screen. There is a tremendous wealth of local talent here. Patrons enjoy professionally produced shows, delivered by local actors, who take great pride in ensuring top quality entertainment.

From the first curtain up, cruising through each scene and 2 acts, all the way to the final song, we were delighted with toe-tapping, heart-pounding, singing, dancing, and marvelous performances by these young people. The program was all the more enjoyable because so many in the audience were reminded of old school friends, as well as the fabulous “rock ‘n roll music” of the 1950’s and 1960’s.

From a technical standpoint, the props, the music, and the support team performed well. There were a few missed spotlights, and the sound mix at times did not showcase the talent. However, on balance, taken as a complete performance, the team effort of actors, musicians, and staff provided us with a tremendously enjoyable evening…one that we would definitely recommend to all.   

Savannah IS a destination city, with a multitude of activities and attractions for every member of your family. Additionally, we have great facilities forconventions, meetings, weddings, and reunions, with lots to see and do. Come see us.  

We Savannahians love company!  And, we know how to throw a good party!

“Celebrating a Savannah Mid-Summer’s Night!”

That is today’s Morning Minute.