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Week of 6/13/23

“Are You Growing Strong Plants or Just Watering Flowers?”

While I was working in our flower bed, a neighbor walked by asking if I was watering my flowers. I replied that I was caring for my plants so that we could continue to enjoy these flowers.

That conversation prompted me to think about how, just like flowers, continuous care of your people creates great results.

Great looking flowers require water, sunlight, and food. Your business require you to properly train, organize, compensate, and care for your team members. These are the people who produce your products and serve your clients. They deserve your best so that your clients will receive the best.   

Just as using the best materials are required for great flowers, you need to recruit and onboard the best people. Instead of waiting until you need to replace someone, you need to be recruiting great people constantly.  

Once successfully hired, team members must receive positive orientation during their onboarding. Your success requires continuous regular training to keep their skill level high. Just like plants need continuous care, your people require continuous support to perform their best.

Having a great looking flower bed requires that the plants must be organized to create the most pleasing view. That is the purpose of the “flower bed.” The purpose of your team is to create the best possible experience and results for your clients through your products and services. Be sure that you have the people with the best skills working in roles that best suit their talents.  

In the best organizations, you will find they have long term team members with the best compensation plans. Their compensation not only includes great benefits and income, it provides them with clear career paths to achieve their own professional and personal goals.

Finally, the number one reason for employee turnover is a toxic work environment, usually created by ineffective or poor managers. Ensure that the people you choose to lead share your goals and your vision of success. Just as plants requiring full sun will not thrive in the shade, your team will not prosper with leaders who don’t support your desired culture nor support team member success.

If you are not getting your desired results, contact me at to set up a FREE 30 minute consultation call.

Your team deserves your best, so they can be their best!

“Are You Growing Strong Plants or Just Watering Flowers?”

That is today’s Morning Minute! 

Morning Minute 6/16/23 "How Do You See This?"


“How Do You See This?”

You have been asked this hundreds of times. Others ask this to get you to agree or disagree.

This relates to your paradigm. A paradigm is the lens through which your mind processes information. This function is to help you understand information, and how to react to it.

To explain a paradigm, teachers pose this question,” Is the glass half full or half empty?” That is meant to determine if you think positively or negatively. But that interpretation is much too narrow to really comprehend how your paradigm affects your view of information and your reactions to it.

Your mind is preprogrammed to protect you. The first filter (paradigm) that engages in reaction to something, subconsciously answers these questions. “How does this affect me? Is this true or not? Should I care about this or not?” Your mind processes those answers quickly based on your knowledge of the subject, your previous experience, and the environment around you. This mental action is deeply personal.

The second filter (paradigm) that engages is, “How does this affect others?” These can be the people around you, or any group of people. Additionally, it asks something about the person who is asking you the question. Your mind will subconsciously filter your answer by asking “How do they see this?” And, “What are they trying to accomplish?”

The third filter (paradigm) is the half empty or half full question. Your mind will react in one of 2 ways. Either, “How can I help?” Or, “How can I avoid this?” Both of these questions can be positive or negative. You can decide to help the person or to help deter the person. Conversely, you can decide to answer or to avoid answering.

For example, you are in a meeting where another person suggests that a policy change is needed. That person asks you, “How Do You See This?” Before you answer, your paradigm subconsciously processes: “How will this affect me or others? Is it true? Do I care about this?” Then: “How can I help?” Or, “How can I avoid this?” All these questions occur in your mind prior to your answer. Plus, they will determine how or whether you answer the question.

Understanding how you filter information through your own paradigms will assist you be a better communicator.

Understanding the paradigms of others will aid you to be a better leader, manager, or salesperson.

“How Do You See This?”

That is today’s Morning Minute.