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Week of 5/09/23


“What Are You Afraid Of?”

We all face making decisions. Decisions concerning opportunities, problems, setbacks, or mistakes. Decisions forced on us by our own actions or the actions of others.

We face fear and self-doubt.

Question: Do we fear the decision, or, the consequences of the decision?

“What happens if I fail?” How will this affect my future? What effect will this have on my family, career, or income?

“What happens if I succeed?” Do I have the knowledge or resources to take advantage of success? What if I lose my confidence before I finish?

“What happens if I’m not good enough?” Am I really as good as I think I am? Am I really the best person to make this decision and handle the results?

“What happens if no one buys in to my decision?” Will I be rejected or fired because of it? What if no one else agrees with my decision or the methods necessary to achieve success?

“What happens when someone else has a better idea?” Suppose my idea is great, but theirs is better? Assuming that outcome, what happens to me or my idea?

I have been faced with making numerous decisions that affected me, my family, and the lives of others. To aid me in decision-making, I was required to employ a process.

This process required me answering these 3 questions honestly.

Based on my decision…
1) What is the best outcome that can happen?
2) What is the worst outcome that can happen?
3) Do the benefits outweigh the risks?

Using this process helped me to accept responsibilities with numerous diverse organizations. The process took me from being a kitchen cook to supervising multiple restaurants. It aided my transition from rookie salesperson to managing auto dealerships with multiple franchises. These opportunities included leadership positions in my Church, Exchange, and Rotary clubs.

To be sure there were failures along the way. However, by focusing on the best outcomes, instead of worrying about failure, our teams achieve phenomenal success.

“What Are You Afraid Of?”

Because fear is natural, it limits your decision-making success by allowing fear to control your actions. Adopt this process. Focus on the best outcomes instead worrying about possible failures. Let your view of success guide your decisions.

Realize that even the best plan may require you to pivot slightly to stay on course.

Then, make your decision and support it completely!

That is today’s Morning Minute!

Morning Minute 5/12/23 "How Do You Picture Success?"


“How Do You Picture Success?”

Humans were not designed to fail!

Elephants are the largest animals on land. Because of their size they are seldom challenged by other animals. Yet humans have trained them to transport people and cargo.

Whales are the largest animals in the sea. They are virtually unchallenged in the water. Yet humans use ships to travel long distances on and under the water.

Birds fly constantly through the air. Geese have been found flying up to 21,000 feet over the Himalayas. Yet humans travel in airplanes regularly over 35,000 feet.  

It is said that horses are the smartest of all animals. Yet they have been trained by humans just like elephants.

Humans were designed to succeed!

Our human brain houses the intelligence that places humans at the top of creation. Our brain makes us curious so we may learn constantly. This ability to learn is how we have developed ways to control other animals and enhance our capabilities. Our brains are muscles that must be used constantly to make us smarter, safer, and more productive.

Confucius said, “You are what you think.” Norman Vincent Peale stated, “You are not what you think you are; but what you think, you are!”

Both of these quotes share the wisdom of training your brain. Your brain does not think in words. It thinks in pictures. If your mental picture sees you failing…you will fail. If the picture is you as a self-confident leader, you can be a leader. There are many examples.

Working in his garage in the middle of a severe recession, Steve Jobs developed the personal computer. His vision of himself and how he could improve learning helped him to create the technology company known today as “Apple.”

Orphaned after the Civil War, George Washington Carver’s drive pushed him to get his degree in chemistry. His vision of how agriculture could be improved using chemistry created thousands of new uses for crops such as the peanut and sweet potato.  

As a human, you have the ability to change how you see yourself. Your mental vision takes control of your thoughts and your actions.

Picture yourself as the success that you desire. Let that picture burn brightly in your mind. See that picture as you succeed. See it when you face setbacks to keep your brain focused on success. Use that picture to overcome problems and doubters.

And remember, “As you think…you are!”

“How Do You Picture Success?”

That is today’s Morning Minute.