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Week of 5/01/23

Morning Minute 5/02/23:

“Who is Teaching Your Children?”

During a panel discussion, this question was asked: “Who has the greatest influence in shaping public opinion: the educational system, the entertainment industry, or the church?”

The panelists agreed that influence begins early in life. By the time children reach school age, they have already been subjected to relentless messaging designed to steer them in a predetermined direction.

Some indicated that the educational system was most influential. From story hour, to beginner’s books, to classroom videos, children are taught to believe certain things. As they get older, this “learned” information is reinforced by books, classroom discussion, and more videos. The consensus was that most parents were unaware what their children were being taught.  

Many indicated the entertainment industry was more influential. They cited how songs, movies, television, and social media shaped public opinion at an early age. These messages are everywhere there is a phone or computer screen. Because there is so much information on so many platforms, parents cannot control the messaging their children receive.

All indicated that the church seemed to be the least influential due to the small amount of time spent at services, in Sunday school, or studying the scripture to learn discipline and morality.

The discussion then turned to the role of parent’s influence on their children. Training of these youngsters begins at birth. They read to them, sharing stories with them. They demonstrate how to be truthful, responsible people. Utilizing both love and discipline, they instill in them respect for others and for themselves. Mothers and fathers set the example of how responsible, moral men and women behave as adults. With both time and access, parents should have the greatest influence on their children.

Why aren’t parents having a more positive influence in shaping the opinions of children? Is the trend toward single parent households robbing the children of quality time with their parents? Have many parents decided rather than teaching their children, they hand them off to government schools to be educated? Why is it becoming less acceptable for parents to enlist the aid of clergy and churches to assist in teaching morality and responsibility?  

By starting early in their children’s lives, parents have the best opportunity to show how that character, honesty, and morality will guide their children to become responsible, disciplined adults. In so doing, they WILL have the greatest influence on the opinions and actions of our future citizens.

“Who is Teaching Your Children?”  

That is today’s Morning Minute.

Morning Minute 5/05/23

Morning Minute 5/05/23:

“Why Do You Ask?”

People ask lots of questions.

Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?

Let’s analyze why people ask questions.

The reasons for asking questions usually fall into one of three categories.

Reason #1: Asking as a request for information. A shopper at the mall asks for directions to a certain store. A student asks the teacher to explain some information. A worker asks the manager how best to perform their job. You ask Google just about anything. Each of these is simply a request for information.

Reason #2: Asking either to choose or to eliminate. This tactic is used to narrow and/or to eliminate options. A person shopping for a computer asks the salesperson if the unit will perform a certain function. The answer allows the buyer to continue looking at the item or eliminate it from consideration. That same shopper knows the answer and asks the question anyway. If the salesperson answers the question dishonestly, the buyer will move on to someone else or move on to a different product. These questions are used to choose or to eliminate.

Reason #3: Asking in order to take control. It is widely understood by professionals that the person asking questions controls the conversation.

For example: You are a witness in a courtroom. The lawyer asks you a series of questions. Who is in control? The lawyer! Another example: A teacher asks you a question. Then, uses your answer to make a point to the class. The teacher has control! Another example: A salesperson asks a client shopping for a new mattress, “Is comfort, style, or price more important to you?” The salesperson has control! And finally, a parent asks the teenager who used her car yesterday, how the scratch got on her car. Without answering, the teen then asks the parent, “How did you enjoy your dinner date last night?” When the parent answers, the teen has just taken control. This is a classic tactic: taking control, by changing the subject, by asking a question, instead of answering their question..  

Why should you learn how to determine the motive of the person asking questions? Understanding their motive is essential in choosing how you will answer.

Your answer will be dictated by whether you believe the person is simply seeking information, is trying to make or eliminate a choice, or is attempting to control the conversation.

“So, Why Do You Ask?”

That is today’s Morning Minute.