week of 4/01/24

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Morning Minute 4/02/24:

“How Will You Overcome Life’s Difficulties?”

It seems the walls are closing in on you!

You lose your good job due to a mistake, downsizing, or a new leader bringing in their own team. Your spouse asks for a divorce. You get sick or injured, unable to work. You may experience crime, bankruptcy, or the death of a family member or friend.

Your child often misbehaves, gets into fights, or has a disability. You feel discriminated against or socially outcast. You may be suffering from an addiction to drugs or alcohol.

These are all serious life changing issues that we will NOT minimize. However, the wrong reaction is (PPPM) Poor, Poor, Pitiful Me!”

When bad things happen, either someone else’s fault, or our fault, we must make a choice. It may seem that there are no good choices…only bad ones. It is then that we have the chance to consider how others have overcome difficult, life changing issues.    

As a child, Ben Carson dreamed of becoming a surgeon in spite of his parent’s divorce, racial discrimination, poverty, and his poor grades. He was able to overcome those obstacles to become a world famous neuro-surgeon, and head of neuro-surgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore Maryland He served as head of the US Department of Housing, and ran for President of the United States.

After failing at farming, Ulysses Grant joined the army, serving admirably in the Mexican War. After the war, Grant left the army, and suffered through several more business failures. He rejoined the army at the start of the Civil War. His early victories had President Lincoln appoint him as head of all Union Armies. After winning the Civil War, Grant was elected President of the United States for two terms.

Helen Keller, born in rural Alabama, contracted a fever at a young age rendering her both blind and deaf. With the help of Ann Sullivan, she overcame her prison of silence and darkness. She became a voracious reader, graduated college with honors, and was an outspoken advocate for helping the blind. She traveled to 39 countries on 5 continents, wrote 14 books, and became a strong supporter of women’ suffrage and civil rights. Winston Churchill called her the “The Greatest Woman of our Age!”  

While it is true that bad things happen to good people, it is not what happens. It’s our actions after what happened, that will determine our success or failure. If Ben Carson, Ulysses Grant, and Helen Keller can overcome their huge obstacles, you can as well.

Understand that God has a plan for your life. It may be that the pain and heartache you are suffering is part of His plan to raise you for something better. He may be having your success set an example for others. Remember, that His plan will always be better than any we devise, without Him. Seek His guidance to overcome any adversity.

“May God grant you the Serenity to endure your difficulties, the Courage to make the tough decisions, and the Perseverance to overcome all obstacles, with His help!”.

“How Will You Overcome Life’s Difficulties?”

P.S. Don’t wait for a problem. Pray regularly that God will keep the difficulties from you,

That is today’s Morning Minute!

Morning Minute 4/5/24

Morning Minute 4/05/24:

“Are There Signs of Generational Greatness?”

Why are so many adults down on Gen Z?

With their lack of knowledge, people skills, and motivation, it is easy to disparage the entire generation. In today’s message, however, we will celebrate several upbeat, driven, young people that we can all be proud of.

Recently, we met Allegra, assistant manager at a restaurant in Alabama. As we were finishing dinner, she approached us, inquiring about our meal and the service we’d received. This 22 year old woman displayed a very caring attitude, a knack for customer service, and a magnetic personality.

After dinner, she shared that she had joined this team at 18, right out of high school. Instead of going to college, and running up a huge debt, she went to work. She had been a runner, hostess, worked with the wait staff, helping at times in the kitchen. She had been recently promoted to Assistant Manager.

We asked how her role had changed since her promotion. She immediately shared that everyone worked hard here, And the managers help both in the dining room and the kitchen. She shared how proud she was of her GM, as he had cooked that entire day with the kitchen team that was short-staffed.

When we inquired about her goals she shared that she was saving her money to go hiking in Europe for 10 months when she turned 24. She had already planned out where she would go and how much money she would need. She was unsure where she would live after Europe. So, she put in place a plan to be able to continue working with this restaurant chain when she returned back to the United States.

Congratulations to Allegra for being a driven, professional young adult who was taking life on with determination, drive, and a life plan. You are a fantastic role model for your generation!  

Then there are 2 high school teenagers in Georgia who work part time at different jobs. Julianna and Marissa are learning people skills, the importance of teamwork, and how to succeed. They have learned how to multi-task and the self-satisfaction of a job well done. These young women are setting themselves up for early success in life.

These 3 members of Gen Z will be tomorrow’s leaders. And they are just 3 of the thousands of young people we can count on to lead the way in the future. Let’s train them, support them, and learn from them so that their success will create a brighter future for us all!.

And, remember! There are 3 generations who came of age before Gen Z. It is our collective responsibility to encourage, mentor, and set the example for them. Love them, teach them discipline, require responsibility, and display the benefits of continuous lifelong learning.

“Are There Signs of Generational Greatness?”

The signs are all around us. Let’s recognize, encourage, and celebrate them!

That is today’s Morning Minute!