Week of 3/4/24

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Morning Minute 3/05/24:

“Do You Sometimes Feel You Are Inferior?”

Many people feel that they will never get ahead, or will never find someone who will love them. They feel unworthy of respect. They suffer, feeling that they are not smart enough, or don’t look good enough. Worse yet, many feel that they don’t deserve success, because a mistake made in the past makes them unworthy of respect.

Let’s examine reasons for these feelings.

Children are not born feeling inferior. However, many children learn that from a parent. They are told such things as: “You’re stupid,” or, ”You’ll never amount to anything.” A parent may exclaim: “Why can’t you be like your brother or sister?” Thus, these feelings of inferiority begin at an early age.

Coaches or teachers may reinforce these feelings. “Why can’t you learn this like everyone else?” “Are you too stupid, or just too lazy to learn?” They may begin comparing themselves with people they feel are more talented or smarter. Then they carry these feelings of inferiority into adulthood.

As adults, they seldom feel good about themselves. They are constantly comparing themselves with others whom they feel are much smarter or better than they are. They are afraid to start anything new or more exciting, feeling that their failure is inevitable.

Then again, a person may feel that a past mistake they made was too great to be forgiven. That horrible feeling makes the person feel unworthy of forgiveness, respect, or future success.      

GREAT NEWS! No one is permanently damaged to the point of no return!

Understand that every person born has certain talents and abilities. THAT INCLUDES YOU. Then make a choice. Either believe all the negatives about you, or make the decision to reject those negative views. Understand that God has gifted you with your own special talents and abilities.

Then, take an honest inventory of who and what made you feel inferior. Then take that list and BURN IT. That physical act releases you from your mental bondage of inferiority, and from the views of those who have held you back.

Then, take an inventory of what you enjoy, or would do if you felt good about yourself. Set a small goal for your own improvement. When you achieve it, celebrate it. Then set one that is a bit more difficult. Do this again and again. At each step in this process, your feelings of accomplishment will increase your own self confidence. If possible, take advantage of a mentor, a counselor, or a good friend, who will provide you with the encouragement and support your need to stay on track.

We are all created in image and likeness of God. And, if you accept Him as your Lord and Savior, He will forgive you of your mistakes. Then you can forgive yourself.

We are not defined by our mistakes…only by our accomplishments!

“Do You Feel That You Are Inferior?”

That is today’s Morning Minute!

(Please forward this message to anyone you feel may benefit from it)

Morning Minute 3/8/24 "Who Was That Masked Man?"

Morning Minute 3/05/24:

“Who Was That Masked Man?”

In the mid-twentieth century, a radio program aired featuring a masked lawman.

That fictional character was dubbed the Lone Ranger.” This lawman, along with his trusted Indian partner, roamed the American plains arresting outlaws, bring them to justice. This character was loosely based on Reeves, a real US Marshall in the 1800s.

Reeves was born a slave in Arkansas in 1838. The family moved to Texas several years later with their owners. As a teenager, he escaped, fleeing into Indian Territory. This was the area where 5 Indian tribes from the Eastern states had been relocated. It is now the state of Oklahoma.

Reeves fought for the Union during the Civil War, After the war, now a free man, he relocated to Arkansas, married an Indian woman, and became a farmer. Indian Territory was where criminals fled to avoid capture. It was 75,000 square miles, inhabited primarily by Indians, outlaws, and prairie dogs. Reeves’ farm was very close to Indian Territory.

Many of the US Marshals who were assigned to that area to capture criminals, sought out Reeves as a guide. Because he knew that territory well, could speak 2 Indian languages, and was a terrific marksman, his skills were quite valuable. Plus, his 6’2” size also made him a very intimidating man.

Isaac Parker,“the hanging judge,” was assigned to Fort Smith, Arkansas in 1875. He commissioned Reeves as a US Marshall, even though Reeves could not read nor write. However, his skills, coupled with his tenacious dedication to his job, enabled him to capture over 3000 outlaws, charged with everything from bootlegging to murder. During his law career, he also killed 14 outlaws who resisted arrest.

His toughest assignment was to arrest and bring in his own son. His son was charged with in the death of his wife during a domestic dispute. Reeves, who was dedicated to his duty, brought in his son, who was convicted and sent to prison.

Reeves was celebrated as the most famous, and effective lawman of his time. His efforts were lauded in many newspapers, while reporting on his tenacious ability to track down criminals and bring them to justice. He served as a lawman until 1907, when Oklahoma became a state.

Reeves had secured his place in American history. He was born a slave, escaping into Indian Territory, where he learned the language. He fought for the Union in order to “earn” his freedom. He served as a guide for others, going into the frontier to capture outlaws. Reeves then was appointed a US Marshall in the lawless West. He accomplished all this despite being black, his troubled youth, being a former slave, and his inability to read and write.

Bass Reeves was the original “Lone Ranger!”

The TV “Lone Ranger” was white, wore a mask, and required an Indian guide. The real “Lone Ranger,” Bass Reeves, was a black man, a former slave, who needed neither mask nor Indian guide. He was a real American hero!

“Who Was That Masked Man?”

That is today’s Morning Minute.