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Week of 3/21/23

Morning Minute 3/21/23

Morning Minute 3/21/23:

“Jealousy, Betrayal, Slavery, Prison, Triumph!”

A Palestinian tribal leader had 12 sons. His favorite was the 11th son. Not only did he favor this son greatly, this son, Joseph, was arrogant and disrespectful to his brothers. This arrangement caused Joseph’s brothers to hate him.

The brothers devised a plan to get rid of Joseph. When they were all out working with the animals they planned to kill him. At the last minute, instead of killing Joseph, they sold him into slavery to a high ranking military leader of an African country. They told their father that Joseph had been killed by a wild animal.

In Africa, instead of wallowing in self-pity, Joseph became the most valuable slave of the military leader, organizing his slaves, having the tasks completed in the fields and vineyards. He was then given authority over all his master’s affairs, managing them so well that the leader trusted him completely. When the leader’s wife sought to seduce Joseph, he refused her advances. She told her husband that Joseph had tried to seduce her. In a fit of rage, the leader sent Joseph to prison.

As before, instead of being bitter, Joseph set out to become the model prisoner. He befriended the head jailer by organized the prisoners so that they worked together to improve the prison for both themselves and the guards. He became the most valuable leader in prison.

Later, this country’s ruler had a terrible dream and needed someone to interpret it. Joseph heard about it and volunteered to interpret the ruler’s dream. When the prophesy, as shared by Joseph for the ruler, became reality, the ruler elevated Joseph to his inner circle. Once again, Joseph excelled, rising to the rank of Prime Minister.  

Years later, famine broke out in Palestine, the country of Joseph’s birth. Two of his brothers came to the African country seeking assistance. They were dumbfounded to discover that Joseph was the Prime Minister. Instead of punishing his brothers, sending them away empty-handed, Joseph embraced them, helping his family survive the famine by sharing the surplus he had stored up.      

What mistakes were made by Joseph, his father, and his brothers? How did Joseph succeed as a slave, a prisoner, and as a leader? How was his life changed by rebuking the military leader’s wife? What can we learn from this story and the actions of the people in it? What would you have done differently?

“Jealousy, Betrayal, Slavery, Prison, Triumph!”

To review the complete story, click HERE.  

That is today’s Morning Minute.

Morning Minute 3/24/23:

“Is It Separation Time?”

Recently, several clients shared that individual team members resigned by simply sending a text message. It would seem that professional courtesy has neither been taught nor learned in education today. Let’s examine this from both the leader’s and the team member’s perspectives.

Team Members:

When you have made the decision to separate from an organization, you have an obligation to communicate this with the appropriate manager either in person and/or with a written letter…preferably both. This document should be simple stating that you are resigning on a certain date and offering to work out a short notice(usually 2 weeks) to allow time for a professional transition. You are NOT required to state a reason for leaving. Turn in all company equipment and insist that your logins for all electronics are deleted before you leave to prevent someone from doing something with your login.

Keep in mind that there are federal and state requirements for the employer when someone resigns. Plus, leaving with nothing written and/or no notice will likely be communicated to other organizations you apply to. Your employment history follows you forever. You will want a good reference in the future. Thus, be sure to leave your current position professionally.


When you have made the decision to terminate someone you also have obligations. Do it quickly and without emotion…do not deliver the message in anger. Follow your company policy exactly to avoid any hint of special treatment. Inform the terminated person of any severance benefits and insurance issues. If there is a possibility of any problem be sure to have an additional person with you who will take notes of the meeting. Have the person escorted from the premises. Delete access to computers, email, etc. Collect company equipment including phones, computers, and manuals. If required, have the appropriate person conduct a separation interview.

Document the conversation and file the appropriate paperwork with the state and federal governments. You are NOT required to state a reason. Be sure that what you say as you terminate them matches what you put in those documents. Additionally, when contacted for a reference, simply share employment dates and positions held….nothing else….to avoid future lawsuits.


Leaving an organization or terminating someone can be very emotional for both parties. Performing the separation respectfully, as either the person leaving or the terminating manager, not only discourages angry outbursts and future lawsuits, it sets up both parties for more favorable future outcomes.

That is today’s Morning Minute.