Week of 2/5/24

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Morning Minute 2/06/24

“How Did That Make You Feel?

People don’t think in words.

We think in mental pictures. As we process those mental pictures, our brain recalls memories or creates mental videos. Those memories or videos create feelings.

Those feelings cause us either to act, or to avoid acting.

To craft effective marketing, you must understand the way the human mind works. Words create mental pictures. These pictures trigger memories or create videos in our brain. Those memories or videos stimulate feelings such as pleasure or pain, excitement or depression, love or hate, fear or exhilaration, desire, or disgust. Those feelings cause us to act, or keep us from acting.  

Here is an example. While driving in your car, you hear a weather alert stating that due to high winds and rain one of the bridges ahead has closed. Your mind recalls another time when the rain was so bad, that you pulled off of the road to avoid an accident. Your mind vividly imagines the worst that could happen due to the weather. It also recalls a near miss that occurred 7 years ago. That memory causes you to fear the danger. That fear causes you to pull off the road until the storm has passed.

Words on the radio created pictures. Pictures triggered a memory of a previous experience. That memory caused you to fear what might happen. That fear caused you to act to avoid the danger.

Here is another example. A NC auto dealer group wanted to attract car buyers who insisted on a better car buying experience. Through their TV ads using a “badger” as the salesman, they had potential buyers remember the negative experiences that they had endured when shopping at other dealerships. When potential car buyers watched their television ads, they remembered the disgust and betrayal they had personally experienced elsewhere. At the end of these ads, buyers were invited in for a more pleasant, customer friendly buying experience.

Each of these examples display how that our mind processes information. Words create mental pictures. Pictures recall memories or create mental videos. Those memories or videos create strong feelings. Those feelings cause us to act or not to act.

Finally, when attempting to effectively communicate on this personal level, be sure that the person you are talking to gets the message at least 3 times. That can be the same message 3 times. Or, the message expressed 3 different ways.

And remember: “It’s not how you say it.  It’s how they feel about it.”

“How Did That Make You Feel?

That is today’s Morning Minute!

Click HERE for all our raining videos.

Morning Minute 2/9/24 The Differences of Assimilation vs Diversity

Morning Minute 2/09/24

“Assimilation vs Diversity: How Are They Different?”

Let me share a true story…

Sam was born in Sicily in the late 1800s. As a young man he was in the Italian army and fought in the Ottoman wars. He saved his money, immigrating to the US in 1912. Because his papers were in order, and he was able to support himself and his family, he was granted legal entry. His intention was to renounce his Italian citizenship, become an American, and raise his children as Americans.

Like so many other immigrants, Sam embraced assimilation into American society. He renounced his Italian citizenship to become an American. He worked on the railroad in western NY until his retirement. Sam raised his 3 children to be responsible Americans.

Millions of immigrants, who came to this country prior to 2000, understood that they would be required to support themselves. They embraced responsibility for themselves and their families. They knew they would be required to assimilate into American society. Our national motto is: “E Pluribus Unum,” “Out of many, One!” The fact that so many different people, from so many different countries and cultures, created the USA, gives us a historical perspective unlike any other nation. Our strength comes from that assimilation of so many into one people and one country, the USA.    

The USA is a nation of immigrants. We come from many different countries, cultures, religions, governmental, and economic systems. That diversity helps us to understand what we gained by becoming Americans. That also helps us understand why we are required to assimilate into one country, the USA. By sharing with each other our diverse backgrounds, we understand what was given up by our ancestors, and what they achieved by becoming Americans.

Diversity looks backward to what and who we once were. Assimilation has us look forward to what we can become by embracing the freedoms and the responsibilities of being an American. Using our diversity helps us understand what our ancestors left behind, and what they wanted to gain by becoming Americans. By our assimilation into Americans, we open up the endless opportunities that our ancestors dreamed of.

Now, two final thoughts…

We must respect our diversity of backgrounds, abilities, and goals as we continue to assimilate into our unique American culture. It is a culture filled with both opportunities for all and the responsibilities of each citizen.

Finally, Sam was my grandfather. Sam Bonorato created his destiny by becoming an American, while not forgetting his heritage.

We should all do the same!

“Assimilation vs Diversity: How Are They Different?”

That is today’s Morning Minute.