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Week of 2/20/23

Morning Minute 2/21/23:

“Have they taken mental ownership yet?”

Whether you sell products or services, you must help your buyer see in their mind how what you ask them to buy will help them look, feel, or perform better. In other words, have them take mental ownership of it, so they will agree that what they are getting is equal to or greater than what they must pay for it. In other words, help them own it mentally, so they will pay you for it financially.

In the 1980’s Jackie Cooper was a terrific sales trainer. From a small town in South Carolina, his influence grew nationally. Of the many sessions he facilitated there is one that I will never forget.

Jackie shared that most people believe, to be a successful salesperson, one must be a fast talker. In popular movies, both Robin Williams in “Cadillac Man” and Kurt Russell in “Used Cars” portrayed fast talking salespeople who could sell anything. He stated, “In the real world successful salespeople spend much more time listening than they do talking!”

Jackie explained that buyers will “Never pay for a vehicle financially, until they own it mentally. Unless the price is equal to, or greater than, what they must pay for it, they will not buy it.” Jackie shared that by asking questions about their current vehicle, what they liked and didn’t like, and how getting a new vehicle would improve their lives, he could help them get a vehicle that served both their lifestyle and their financial needs. Sharing how the new vehicle would solve their problem, or take advantage of new features that the old vehicle did not have, the buyer would begin to see how it was to their advantage to upgrade cars. Then he asked them where they would take their first trip in their new car. He asked them to share what route they would take to get there. This helped the buyers to mentally put themselves in the driver's seat, in the car, traveling to their destination. They were taking “Mental Ownership” of the new car.

If this works for auto sales, why wouldn’t it work for other items? If selling houses, ask who would be their first guests. Ask them to describe what that event would look like all the way down to what they would eat, drink, and enjoy. How about clothing or cosmetics? Ask them what others will say about their new look? Who would be impressed?

This process will work no matter what you are selling.

In summary, help your buyer take mental ownership of what you are selling....Then, make the sale.

And, that is today’s Morning Minute.

Morning Minute 2/24/23 Are You Still Curious?

Morning Minute 2/24/23:

“Are you still curious?”

As small children we asked lots of questions, mainly why. Why is the sky blue? Why do I have to go to bed? Why do I have to eat broccoli?

When we start school, we begin mixing in how. How do I tie my shoes? How do I throw a baseball? How do I fasten my seatbelt and why do I have to wear it?

Going further we begin asking who and what. Who said that? Who did that? Who can I talk to? What did they say? What was done? What should we do about that?

Then when and where get added into the mix. When do you need this? When does the show/party start? When do I need to be there? Where can I find the information I need? Where are you now? Where will I go to college or go to work?

All these questions are a sign of curiosity. Being curious, asking questions, seeking answers, is how we learn. These are signs that the person wants more information, seeks to learn facts, and is interested in how others view subjects. It is also how we learn how to do our jobs, plus how we learn to communicate with and relate to other people. Being curious is an indication that an individual is still growing their knowledge and their skills.

The problems begin when we stop being curious. We lock down in a position and stop asking questions. We don’t want to hear anyone else’s ideas. We don’t ask why are they saying or doing that. We stop listening to others. We say, “It’s my way or the highway. This is how we have always done this.” We don’t look for newer and better. We only want what’s comfortable. We stop seeking to improve.

When we stop being curious we stop learning. We stop growing.

A recent television commercial featured an older man saying that his father taught him 3 things. “Always do your best. Always tell the truth. And, always be curious.”  I was taught many years ago, “When you’re green you grow, when you’re ripe you rot!”

These messages are the same. Never stop listening to others. By listening you may understand why they feel and/or act as they do. You may find some areas where you may agree. Never stop learning. Never stop being curious. However, seek the motivation behind any new information. Keep asking who, what, when, where, why, and how. Then use what you learn to help yourself and others to understand more, be more, and do more.

When we stay curious…we all win!

And, that is today’s Morning Minute.