Morning Minute 12/27/24:
“If You Don’t Change…You Choose!”
Looking forward to 2025 many of us are making resolutions. However, a resolution is a wish. Real change requires your commitment…to real change!
So, what do you want to change next year? Let’s look at some possibilities.
Do you want to gain more knowledge or develop a skill that you currently lack? Are you stagnated in your current occupation, lacking opportunity and growth? Is your health declining due to illness, lifestyle, or an accident? Do you need better friends who want you to improve your life, as opposed to your current “fair weather friends?” Are you consumed by worry over debt or declining income? If any of these issues seem familiar, remember, you must change something in order to improve.
FIRST: You must seriously commit to making the changes necessary to achieve your goal. If you don’t change, you have accepted your current life. Put a note on your mirror, refrigerator, and computer. Change your phone’s home screen to “I commit to change to improve my life!” You must commit to action even before stating your goal.
SECOND: Clearly state and write out your goal. Remember that your goal must pass the SMART test. It must be Specific, clearly stating what you want to accomplish. It must be Measurable, a goal that can be expressed as a number. You must hold yourself Accountable to achieve this goal. Your goal must be Realistic otherwise you will set yourself up for failure. And, it must be Timely stating the date by which your goal must be met. For instance, I will increase my income in 2025 by 50% by Oct. 31st. That goal is specific, measurable, you are accountable for its achievement. It is lofty, but realistic, and must be achieved by a certain date.
THIRD: List all the factors that are keeping you from achieving your goal. These can be other people, your attitude or effort, your lack of knowledge, your lifestyle, your health and/or stamina, your debt or your credit, your friends, maybe even your family. Remember that you need real reasons, not excuses. Now number these in the order of importance to you. Now you have the steps required to meet and/or exceed your goal.
FOURTH: Attack and complete these steps. If you need a mentor, hire one, If you require additional knowledge, find it, and learn it. If your job is holding you back, change it. If your friends are holding you back, change them. Make the changes that you wrote down in your steps to achieve your goal. If you make a mistake, learn from it and keep moving. Remember: “Life rewards Action.” Keep moving toward your goal.
FIFTH: Celebrate your wins, no matter how small or insignificant they seem. We all need the affirmation we receive by celebrating our achievements. Winning creates a greater desire for even more winning, on the way to achieving your goal!
With your commitment to your goal, aided by the right plan, and tempered by your positive attitude, 2025 will be your best year yet! And remember…
“If You Don’t Change…You Choose!”
That is today’s Morning Minute!