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Week of 12/11/23

Morning Minute 12/12/23

“Needs vs Wants? Both Are Important!”

A true story of missed opportunity…

As a rookie auto salesperson, I had the opportunity to assist a young couple. Since they were expecting their first child, he shared that they needed more room and four doors. He said they wanted either a small station wagon or a midsize sedan to replace their two door economy car. Two hours later they still had not make up their minds and left. They were to get some lunch, and come back with their decision.

Later that afternoon, I called and spoke to the husband. He shared they had bought a two door Pontiac Grand Prix with a sunroof. I inquired about why they chose something so radically different. He stated that, as they drove away, his wife told him that she was not ready to buy anything that reminded her of her mother’s car. So, they bought a sport coupe with a sunroof.

This outcome taught me several important lessons:

1st: Needs are based on logic. Wants are based on emotion. Almost always, emotion trumps logic in decision making. Spend more time discovering the client’s emotions in order to serve them better.

2nd: When working with a couple, remember that women make almost all major family decisions. This is true with vehicles, housing, schooling, medical needs, etc. I mistakenly asked questions of the husband without encouraging the wife to participate in the discussion. Always assume that the woman makes the final decision.

3rd: In order to discover the “real” reason they did not buy; I should have asked the wife a combination of three “bridge questions” to unlock her real objection. These include: In addition to what we discussed, what else would keep you from buying? Other than whatever she answered, is there any other issue that we need to discuss? “Assuming that” we agree on all points, are you ready to purchase?

4th: By addressing their wants and needs together, I could have made the sale. The other salesperson saw that they needed more room for a growing family. And, that she wanted to express her own youthful style apart from her mother. He solved both, so they bought from him, not me.

5th: When a sale is missed, it is almost always the fault of the salesperson, not the buyer. Learn from it, improving your skills while you become a more service oriented professional.  

I sincerely hope that you will learn from my rookie mistake.

That is today’s Morning Minute.

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Morning Minute 12/15/23 The Power of Meaningful Work vs Quiet Quitting

Morning Minute 12/12/23

“The Power of Meaningful Work vs Quiet Quitting!””

As a leader, trainer, and author, I have encountered both the positive effects of “Meaningful Work” and the detrimental consequences of “Quiet Quitting.”

Let’s examine each.

Work is much more than earning a paycheck. It provides you with an opportunity for growth, self-expression, and contribution. Zig Ziglar shared, “You were born to win, but to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win.”

Meaningful work provides real, significant benefits for individuals who align their talents, passions, and values, with their occupations. These include…

PERSONAL FULFILLMENT: We have an inner desire for growth and improvement. Brian Tracy shared, “The more you seek security the less of it you have. But the more you seek opportunity, the more likely it is, that you will achieve the security you desire.” As individuals find purpose in their work, they develop a deep sense of fulfillment and satisfaction.

PROFESSIONAL GROWTH: Meaningful work provides people opportunities to develop new skills and expand their knowledge. By embracing work as a tool for growth they set themselves up for advancement as they remain relevant in an ever-changing world. John Maxwell shared, “The greatest day in your life and mine is when we take total responsibility for our attitudes. That is the day we truly grow up!”

POSITIVE IMPACT: Meaningful work creates opportunities to serve others. Tony Robbins shared, “The secret of success is learning to use pain and pleasure instead of having pain and pleasure use you!” Working to benefit others brings both personal satisfaction and a greater sense of purpose.

Quiet quitting, on the other hand, describes a state of personal disengagement as one checks out mentally while still being physically at work. This fosters negative effects for both the person and the organization. These include…

REDUCED PRODUCTIVITY: Stephen Covey once shared, “Accountability breeds responsibility.” The lack of motivation and enthusiasm of those who quit quietly, leads to reduced productivity and a negative workplace culture for the entire team.

MISSED OPPORTUNITIES: Without the drive to learn and improve, those who quit quietly have no job satisfaction and earn very few promotions. Jack Canfield shared, “Don’t worry about failures. Worry about the chances you miss when you don’t even try!”   

In summary, working with meaning and purpose, while avoiding the trap of quiet quitting, unleashes your true potential. Thus, do your work with passion, creating opportunities for growth, as you make a lasting difference on the world around you!

That is today’s Morning Minute.

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