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Week of 1/15/24

Morning Minute 1/16/24

“Do YOU Have the WILL To Win?”

NFL coach Vince Lombardi made this clear: “The WILL to win is not nearly so important as the will to PREPARE to win!”

Winning involves action, a mindset, and a process. This simple, powerful process is summed up in 3 action verbs:


Years ago, our dealer informed us that we would participate in a 4 day, offsite auto sale, along with 5 other dealers. We needed a great gameplan.

1st - PREPARE: The promoter provided the display space, fencing, tents, security, and an office trailer. We needed all the other elements. This involved moving the vehicles into a cramped display area, setting up the finance office, getting electricity, lighting, and phone connections installed. The vehicles had to be cleaned and fueled; ready for test drives and purchase. We needed gasoline available, cleanup materials, telephones, all the finance equipment including fax and credit bureau machines installed, plus all the documents required to do business outside.

Our sales staff and managers needed to be scheduled so we could run the sale while keeping the showroom open. We had bank representatives on hand to approve loans, plus porters for cleaning and display management. We needed a different sales and finance process to expedite vehicle purchases. Plus, a process agreement was required to assist customers who bounced from one dealer area to another.

2nd - PERFORM: On the first day of the sale, our team was ready for action, with everything in place. Other dealers had not planned ahead and were late getting set up. Plus, their salespeople were unsure about their sales process. After a few, small hiccups, our team worked together to provide great customer experiences. We needed some more used vehicles so we acquired additional units from a rental car company. We would normally sell 15-16 units in 4 days. During this event we sold 42 units.

3rd - PROGRESS: The day after the sale we retrieved all our vehicles, all our equipment, and reset our showroom. Although tired, most of our team were pleased with the results. The following day we met to produce an “After Action Report.” We learned from this experience by examining what went right so we could repeat those processes. We also learned from our mistakes, making improvements in how we handled logistics, and how we could improve our customer service.

Remember, having a solid process to Prepare, Perform, and Progress, you too can create success with a great gameplan, execute better as a team, and improve by analyzing your results.

“Do YOU Have the WILL To Win?

That is today’s Morning Minute.

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Morning Minute 1/19/24

“Who Are You…Really?”

Being under pressure reveals who you really are!

Most personal growth occurs when you are under pressure!

As you encounter life’s pressures, there are 4 actions showing who you really are.

Let’s assume that your 17 year old daughter had a wreck and was admitted to the hospital with injuries. The police found crystal meth in her car. They are charging her with possession.    

YOUR REACTION: Is it serious concern for her injuries and the effect they will have on the rest of her life? Is it the fact that she wrecked your only car? Are you angry at the police or at your daughter? Do you assume that the drugs belonged to one of her friends?

YOUR ACTION: Do you respectfully, but firmly, ask lots of questions? Or, do you start screaming accusations at everyone involved? How do you address your daughter? With loving concern, or with anger? When she is released from the hospital and charged by the police, do you help her through this struggle, treating this as a learning opportunity? Do you tell her that she made the mistake, now she has to face the charges alone? Do you accuse the police of planting the drugs?

WHAT YOU LEARN: From this situation, do you become closer or more distant with your daughter? Do you vow to invest more time in her and your other children? Do you help your daughter accept her mistake? Do you take some of the responsibility for what happened? Will your love for each other grow stronger? Or, will you grow apart?

WHAT YOU BECOME: Will you become bitter and cynical, not trusting your daughter, or anyone else? Will you invest more time in her life and those of her siblings? Will you become a more caring, nurturing parent, being more available to all your children?

Now, substitute one of your struggles for this story.

How did you allow it to affect you? What did you learn from it? Did your reaction, and your actions, make you stronger? How did you change because of the pressure? Remember, we have all had our share of pressures.

Please allow me to share this one final thought. God allows bad things to happen to good people. Those bad things can make us stronger or defeat us. They can bring us closer together or drive us apart.

And, they are opportunities for us to grow into better versions of ourselves.

“Who Are You…Really?”

That is today’s Morning Minute. 

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