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Week of 11/14/22

(11/14/22) Morning Minute:

“Your thoughts have consequences!”

That phrase from Dr. Charles Stanley reminded me of a story.

Megan, a young gymnastics student, had a great deal of natural talent. She loved the challenge of the sport. She was always doing more than was required by her coach. Her enthusiasm showed in every workout and performance. As she was learning a more difficult skill, she suddenly became disappointed, overwhelmed by her inability to master it. Her coach, knowing that Megan had the ability required, pulled her aside and asked what was the problem. Megan stammered, “I just can’t learn this new skill,” she said as her eyes stared at the floor.

The coach told Megan that she could learn this exercise. Her student was sobbing, “I just can’t do it. It’s too hard!”  She said one of the older students had told she would never win a medal and to stop wasting everyone’s time. The coach told Megan to dry her eyes. After calming her down, her coach did something quite unexpected.

She told her student to block out everything that was on her mind. Then she said, “Close your eyes. Picture yourself competing in the Olympics. The crowd is breathless as you flawlessly do the exercise and nail the landing. See that in your mind. Then listen to the cheers from the crowd as the Judge places the gold medal around your neck. Feel the joy you have at what you accomplished. Can you picture that in your mind? What does that feel like?” Megan opened her eyes. She was grinning as she said that felt terrific!

Then her coach shared 2 things. First, never allow someone else to pollute your mind with negative thoughts. Second, since you can see yourself mastering this exercise, then you can do the exercise. With a more positive frame of mind, Megan learned the exercise after several more tries. Her enthusiasm returned as her new skill helped her earn a spot on the travel team.

Like this young student, you can’t change your life until you change your thoughts. Your mind is the control tower of your life. Thoughts create actions. Actions create habits. Habits create character. And, character creates your destiny. Because you have the power of your thoughts, you have the power to control your life. Your life is an expression of what you think.

And, that is today’s Morning Minute.