Week of 1/08/24

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Morning Minute 1/09/24

“What Are They Really Saying?”

Today, let’s unveil the Four Purposes of Language…

To understand the power of language, we must understand the motivations behind the words people use to communicate. Those four primary motivations are: to EDUCATE; to INFORM; to COERCE; and to CONTROL.

Let’s examine each.

TO EDUCATE: People use language to share knowledge, provide guidance, and enlighten others. It allows us to teach, and to learn. Language expands our knowledge of the world around us. It bridges our gaps in understanding, while fostering personal growth. By using stories, examples, and explanations, we are taught information that is valuable to us now, and in the future. Language is fundamental, enabling us to learn.

TO INFORM: Unlike education, which focuses on imparting knowledge, informational language centers around updating or sharing current developments. These include news, announcements, changes in their environment, and developing trends. This information allows individuals to make informed decisions and adapt to a constantly changing world.

TO COERCE: Through persuasive language, people influence other’s beliefs, actions, and decisions. Coercive language seeks to convince, sway, or manipulate others by appealing to their desires, emotions, or fears. Advertisements, speeches, and even arguments often employ coercion. Be aware, that while coercion may be used for positive change, it may also be used for manipulating or exploiting others.

TO CONTROL: As a means of control, people may use language to assert authority, establish dominance, or manipulate others. By controlling the narrative, individuals can shape opinions, create social divisions, and maintain control of individuals or groups. Be aware that when language is used to control others, it may limit individual choices, and deter free and productive discussion of issues.

Language is a much used tool, with people using it for various purposes. These uses include educating others, information sharing, coercion of opinions, and control of others speech and actions. Recognizing these motivations behind a person’s communication, allows us to critically evaluate what they say or write, and respond effectively to what we hear or read.

Bear in mind, that there may be more than more one motivation behind what is spoken or written. So, carefully listen to, or read, what someone says, or writes. Then ask enough questions to understand their meaning, their motivation, and how, or if, to respond.  

“What Are They Really Saying?”

 That is today’s Morning Minute!

For a private session for yourself or your team, contact me at 864-630-2625 or at

And remember:

Education Without Action is just Entertainment!

Morning Minute 1/12/24 Knowledge vs Wisdom? Is There a Difference?

Morning Minute 1/12/24

“Knowledge vs Wisdom? Is There a Difference!”

What are they? How are they different? And, why are they important to our personal growth and success?

UNDERSTANDING KNOWLEDGE: From Jim Rohn, we learn that knowledge is the foundation upon which wisdom is built. It is the gathering of facts, information, and skills through experience, education, and observation. Knowledge empowers us to make decisions and solve problems. However, it is not an end unto itself. Like the bricks used to construct a building, knowledge requires wisdom in order to be meaningful and useful.

UNDERSTANDING WISDOM: Wisdom is greater than the mere gathering of facts. It is the ability to apply knowledge to understand and choose from various actions, in different situations. It provides a depth of understanding that goes beyond knowledge. Wisdom enables a person to weigh the factors impacting their decisions, in order to achieve their desired results.

Steve Jobs once shared: “Wisdom is not just knowing what to do, but knowing what to do with what you know.” It goes beyond knowledge, involving emotional intelligence and critical thinking. Wisdom enhances the capacity to consider the results of one’s decisions, before choosing the best possible course of action.


a) Knowledge focuses on acquiring information. Wisdom provides the ability to use that knowledge to achieve one’s desired outcome.

b) Knowledge covers a wide range of subjects providing a wealth of information. Conversely, wisdom narrowly focuses on using that knowledge, to understand both the causes of, and the anticipated effects of, all available actions.

c) Knowledge addresses immediate challenges to solve specific problems. Wisdom is much deeper, considering the long-term implications of one’s decisions.

How can we use both knowledge and wisdom to our advantage?

a) Cultivate a thirst for knowledge and learning. This includes many subjects, not just the ones in your chosen field.

b) Reflect on and learn from your own past experiences and those of others. These include both successes and failures.

c) Embrace lifelong curiosity with an open mind, asking questions, seeking solutions, and challenging assumptions.

In conclusion, understanding the differences of, and the relationship of, knowledge and wisdom, equips us to use both effectively in the achievement of our goals.

Jim Rohn has shared: “The major value in life is not what you get. The major value is what you become.”

That is today’s Morning Minute.

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