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Week of 10.7.24

Morning Minute 10/08/24:

“Why Are We Enjoying Cheaper Gas?”

First let’s look at a few facts…

Regular gasoline in the Savannah area in January, 2021 was $1.89/gallon. It increased to $3.83/gallon by July, 2022.  Yesterday it was $2.47/gallon.

What causes these extreme price variations? And, why are prices decreasing now?

The primary driver of the price of gasoline, is the price of oil. In 2020, the US was energy independent. We mined and refined our own oil, instead of having to compete with other countries to buy oil overseas. Instead of buying oil from all over the world to refine into gasoline, we refined our own less expensive oil.  Becoming energy independent in 2020, created the lowest gasoline prices in decades.

In 2021, our government shut down much of our domestic crude oil production. The new Democrat administration stopped the Keystone pipeline that would have reduced the cost of transporting crude oil to our refineries. They cancelled leases for new exploration on land owned by the US government. Massive new regulations for mining, transporting, and refining oil into gasoline reduced the amount of available crude to be refined. Then, as we were forced to return to buying oil overseas, we lost our energy independence.  All these factors created the huge price increases in 2022.

Back in 1973, the United States fell prey to an oil embargo from OPEC, the Organization of Oil Exporting Countries. This embargo caused a shortage of oil leading to a severe economic recession. In 1976, to prevent any future disruptions caused by an embargo, war, or hurricane, the Strategic Petroleum Reserve was created. The SPR is capable of holding one billion barrels of oil, to be used solely for one of those emergencies. It was never created to lower the price of gasoline so a political party could win an election. It was designed for major disruptions due to war, embargoes, and hurricanes.

In July, 2022, the Democrat party recognized that they would lose Congress unless action was taken to reduce the price of gasoline. So, they began selling oil from our Strategic Petroleum Reserve. One million barrels of crude oil per day for 180 days, was sold to refineries at a price well below market value. This action, which lowered the price of gasoline, saved many congressional seats held by Democrats that year.

This year, with the Democrats in danger of losing control of both Congress and the Presidency, they have once again gone back to draining the SPR to lower gas prices. Out of a one billion barrel capacity, currently we have only 384 million barrels of oil. This action by Democrats creates grave dangers for us due to hurricanes and wars. We are currently involved in both: hurricanes, and wars. Understand that if they retain control of government in 2025, the price of gasoline will rapidly increase again. That increase will occur because we will nor longer be refining the cheaper oil from the SPR, because we are no longer energy independent, and because Democrats won this year.

Now you understand: “Why We (Temporarily) Are Enjoying Cheaper Gas?”

Keep this explanation in mind as you cast your vote in this year’s election.

That is today’s Morning Minute.

Morning Minute 10.11.24 "A Profile in Superior Leadership!"

Morning Minute 10/11/24:

“A Profile in Superior Leadership!”

Whom do you envision when you picture an authentic leader?

One who can communicate a clear vision of the mission? One who gets things done through the efforts of others? One with the proven organizational ability to coordinate the many moving parts required to achieve his objectives?

Then picture Florida Governor Ron DeSantis!

Time and again we have admired his ability to organize the efforts of individuals and groups, machinery and aircraft, and multiple processes in the proper order to achieve the mission. At the same time, he communicates in clear terms what will happen, what is happening, and what has happened. Let’s dig a little deeper.

During his 5+ years as governor of Florida, DeSantis has displayed the “no nonsense” leadership that Americans expect of their leaders. Unlike some politicians who choose substandard people for their administrations, he has chosen high quality leaders to support his mission of benefitting those who live in Florida. He expects service, from those who choose to serve. And, he gets things done by organizing these leaders, giving them clear mission instructions, and following up to ensure compliance.

Using his military background from the Navy, DeSantis understands how to use “best processes” to achieve his mission of service as governor. These processes include building new highways and bridges to handle the mass relocation of people from other states into Florida. His team is improving infrastructure in the state by expanding electrical, natural gas, and water availability, as well as internet and web services. His understanding and use of processes aids the tremendous growth in his state.  

DeSantis is a master communicator. His demeanor and ability to communicate allows him to use the media to get his message out, while shutting down ridiculous agenda driven journalists who try to entrap him. During these last 2 hurricanes, he has shared vital information for Floridians before, during, and after the storms.

He has favorably positioned Florida to attract newcomers from other states by inviting them to move to “The Free State of Florida!” Plus, his efforts and accomplishments back up his claim in this positioning statement.

Governor Ron DeSantis, with his “no nonsense” leadership style, has shown how to excel by mastering the 4 Ps of leadership. He attracts, organizes, and utilizes PEOPLE effectively. His mastery of PROCESSES discourages duplication of efforts while working to achieve his mission. His PRODUCT, which is providing high quality services to Floridians, is outstanding. And he PROMOTES his state with great effectiveness using the positioning statement, “The Free State of Florida!”

Ron DeSantis is a case study in how to lead.

His leadership style will be studied for many years by people seeking to develop and use their skills effectively.

“Ron DeSantis: A Profile in Leadership!”

That is today’s Morning Minute!